Monday, April 4

Proverbs 19:20-21

Listen to advice and accept instruction, and in the end you will be wise. Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails.


Udge said...

Hey, God, how's it going? Listen, I don't mean to be judgemental (that's Your department after all) but seems to me that You are pretty heavily Bible-centric for Someonoe Who claims to be all Gods in one. Where are the Talmud and the Torah and the Koran? What about the Sutras?

John said...

Where are the Talmud and the Torah and the Koran? What about the Sutras, you ask? ....(and the list of great books of wisdom and truth goes on and on with many of such great books being lost to history).... Well, the God written about in those great books is none other than Me!

There is an old Japanese saying that I remember from an Emperor son of Mine, “There are many paths up Mt. Fuji”. In other words, there are many ways to enlightenment.

Truth is truth after all.

But the main reason I choose to quote the writings from the Bible is because it is the greatest selling book out there and I get royalties with each book sold. You wouldn’t want to see the Great and Mighty God of Gods get cheated out of His royalty checks now would you?

In these truths there is but one common theme. In all of these books of truth there is a final message that I want everyone to know and to follow. If everyone were to do so, you would truly find peace and happiness in your world.

The entire law is summed up in a single command: "Love your neighbor as yourself."
Galatians 5:14

Try to do your part and I’ll do mine.

Rob Burton said...

Thou truley art all knowingest

John said...

Why thank you Doc. I am. Yes I am.

I know I should know this already, but did you Earthlings bring back that old style English again?
I hope not. It was quite annoying and not that easy to follow, with all of those Thee and Thou and other such expressions used at the time.

I go away for a couple of centuries and the whole English language takes a renaissance revival in the wrong direction. Damn.

Although I did enjoy the plays from that William Shakespeare fellow. If I remember your history correctly, he was one of your countrymen wasn’t he? I gave him beautiful inspiration, if I say so Myself.

Keep up the good work on your blog Dr. Rob. You write well and you make me laugh.
I leave you with this thought:

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

Galatians 6:9

So sayth the Great I am.